Can long distance relationships work?

- Can your long distance relationship really succeed?
- Do your friends have doubts about your long distance relationship?
- Do friends say it is doomed to fail despite how much you love and care about each other?
- Do you feel sad, lonely, anxious and unsatisfied most of the time?
- Have you given up and accepted that having the person you love so far away is the cold hard reality of a long distance relationship?
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can transform a depressing situation into a passionate, vibrant, dynamic romance.
Most people believe that all long distance relationships are doomed
to fail because you are feeling lonely missing your partner and your
partner will cheat on you.
As you know in your heart … they are wrong. Long distance
relationships do work, and handled right can even help you build a
stronger base for a lifelong relationship than a relationship where the
couple lives in the same neighborhood.
You can in fact have a deeply connected relationship over a
long distance that is so loving, close, intimate, and sexy, that your
friends will be jealous of you.
Bob Grant has been there and knows the pitfalls. He is a therapist and a licensed professional counselor who has been a relationship coach for over 20 years. Having had his own successful long distant relationship with the woman of his dreams, who is now his wife, he decided to write a guide to other couples going through the difficulties of a relationship with their partner so far away.
Bob met his soul mate, but she lived not only in another state, she
lived on the opposite side of the continent. Even his education and
experience as a relationship coach did not prepare him for some of the
emotional turmoil he experienced.
The long distant relationship challenge
A long distance relationship is a challenge, but therein lies the key to your success.
Prepare for your challenges and you will stop unnecessary anxiety and
find peace. It takes some effort, but every relationship requires some
effort. The benefit you get is that your experience in your time spent
in your distance relationship will strengthen you and prepare you for
any future bumps in the road when you are living together.
While each long distance relationship is unique, they virtually all share similar experiences. This is where a guide is helpful, because it’s not the difficulties that are the problems; it is how we react to the difficulties that lead to success or failure.
Turn your difficulty into your strength.
In life there are desirable difficulties, like your loving soul mate
living hundreds of miles away, and undesirable difficulties. Learning to
cope with the desirable difficulties in our lives gives us energy and a
feeling of being in charge of our destiny.
Understanding the common problems of this type of relationship and
planning to overcome the problems, gives you the skill to avoid the
other pitfalls with ease.
A relationship over a long distance is just as real, just as loving
and intimate, and just as likely to succeed as any other relationship
where the couples see each other every day.
You can have the more loving, closer, trusting and sexier relationship that you’ve been dreaming about, no matter how many miles there are between you. You can turn your frustrations, longing and anxiety into a passionately sexy romantic life.
Why long distance relationships can succeed
Long distance relationships succeed and fail at exactly the same rate
as near distance relationships, however, the reasons why they succeed
and why they fail are often completely different to near distance
Trying to succeed by treating your long distance relationship like any other relationship is risking failure.
Learning the strategy and planning ahead, having a dynamic preemptive
relationship, instead of one that just goes with the flow, as most near
relationships do, makes a long distance relationship not just
successful but truly resilient.