Text Your Ex Back Review
Are you hurting after a breakup?
Looking for a way to get your ex back?
A strategy with a difference?
You believe that you will get your relationship back together again. You just don’t know how right now.
“Text Your Ex Back” is a new successful
twist on a tried and tested relationship saving strategy. The trick is
using SMS text messages to draw your partner back to you.
“Text Your Ex Back” uses using simple, but potent, carefully
crafted, persuasive text messages. And a step-by-step 8-week system, to
bring your partner back to you.
You learn what to text. When to text. But importantly also what not to text.
There are toxic texts that can destroy your chances of restoring your relationship.
Beware. Once a text is sent, it can’t be unsent.
The Course
Text Your Ex Back is a full in-depth course that guides you
step-by-step, to re-establish contact and restore your relationship. The
course material is in video, mp3, and pdf format including worksheets.
You choose if you want to read. Or listen on your mp3 player while
walking your dog. I prefer sitting in an easy chair, close my eyes and
Losing your partner, no matter what caused the breakup, is traumatic
and thinking clearly with cold logic is not realistic. Emotions rule. It
helps to get your partner back to have a guide who has a strategy
already worked out for you.
You then spend your time being proactive while you go through the difficult process of reuniting with your partner.
Text Your Ex Back is a comprehensive course delivered piece by piece.
You don’t get overloaded with a mass of information. The program is
delivered in structured parts.
The program is suitable for both men and women. With different programs for each sex. Equality is about equal rights and equal respect, but as you know men and women are different. Emotionally. Hormonally. Behaviorally.
Text Your Ex Community
Do you feel alone in your situation?
In the Text Your Ex Back members area there is an active forum. There
you can connect with other people experiencing the same feelings as
you. In similar circumstances to your own.
These forum members are after all doing the same course as you. So
you are likely to get a quick reply from someone in a similar situation
who understands what you are going through.
The Text Your Ex Back forums are a valuable resource that is available to you 24/7. In a worldwide community.
There is a forum for each module where you can discuss that
particular topic with others who are also at that stage. And with those
who have moved on further, but return to encourage others. If you feel
any doubt, you will get confidence talking and interacting with others,
about that stage, the videos, the worksheets and about your strategy to
save your relationship,

Module 1: Introduction
The introduction shows you how the Text Your Ex Back system works. Describing how it will help you get your ex back. And why it works works.
This module is reassuring as you see that you really do have a chance
at fixing your relationship. Calming you. Soothing your hurt.
Module 2: The Dumper and the Dumped
This section talks about why and your ex broke up. As well as what the “conversation” in your ex’s his mind is about you.
Here you will see a behind-the-scene view of your relationship. You
will understand why the breakup happened. This is important because only
once you know “why” it happened, will you know “what” to do to save your relationship.
Module 3: The Big Goal
Now that you understand why the breakup happened, you are in a better
position to decide what you want in the future. Do you want your ex
back for the right reasons?
The logo for this module is a target. Here the target gets defined. You start to visualize the outcome you want.
Module 4: Flight Check
At this point you are ready at the starting gate.
In this module you prepare yourself and get the right frame of mind
before you make the first move. This will set you on the right path
towards getting your ex back and having a better relationship than you
thought possible.
Module 5: Text Judo
You are about to get down to business in this module.
This is the proven cornerstone of Text Your Ex Back. In Judo, you win
over your opponent by using your opponent’s strength. Here you win over
your ex, by using your ex’s emotions to get the result you (and your
ex) want.
Module 6: Across the Bow
Now you are ready to let the texts go, shooting “across the bow.” You
are ready with anticipation tingling your fingers as they wait for your
brain to give the “Send” signal.
In this module you get the best text timeline to use for sending
those critical first texts. And importantly, what texts to send and
Module 7: Prepping the Soil
You’ve sent some texts across your ex’s bow. This where things start to get interesting.
At this point the best of the relationship texts are sent. You start connecting with your ex on an emotional level.
Module 8: The Green-Eyed Monster
Jealousy. The vicious beast that lurks in the heart of every man and woman.
Jealousy can be helpful if used right. You will learn some
techniques. 3 basic and powerful rules that turn jealousy from monster
to motivator.
Module 9: Planting the Seeds
This module moves on to introducing intimacy boosting texts.
You are going to be learn about two kinds of intimacy booster texts: Everyday and Extra-Strength.
Module 10: Reaping the Harvest
This module starts with an introduction to attraction texting. With a different program aimed at men and women.
There are 3 parts to this module. Reaping the harvest. Watering the tree. Virtual to physical.
Module 11: Texting Steady
Here we are at the end of the Text Your Ex Back program. This program is about a lot more than sending text messages.
This module is about sealing your relationship into the future.

This is not an instant solution. If your emotions are at such a
boiling point that you don’t have the patience to follow the steps in
this program for the next month, then this program is not for you.
Acting out of high octane emotion is highly unlikely to succeed in
restoring a broken relationship.
There are some relationships that will not be saved. Should not be saved. Cannot be saved. No program can promise 100% success.
About one person in five has such severe personality issues that you
should not have a relationship with these people. These are psychopaths,
narcissists, people with other personality disorders and some people
who are just plain downright #%$*?*#.
The Text Your Ex Back discusses some hard truths and gives valuable insights to help you salvage your relationship. Calm your fears. And give you hope.